
Orange Peel

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Orange peel is the outer, slightly bumpy skin of the orange fruit, along with some of the white pith beneath it. This is arguably the best part of the fruit to consume, but few people do. The orange peel is high in certain phytochemicals, flavonoids, and other antioxidants, as well as providing vitamin A, B, C, copper, calcium, and magnesium. While eating the juicy fruit is the more common way to enjoy this fruit, there are a few ways to add the peel to your diet.

There are quite a few benefits to eating an orange peel, including the following:

Skin Care

Packed with vitamin E and a number of unique antioxidants, applying the inner peels directly on the skin can clear up inflammatory conditions, while also helping to prevent wrinkles and age spots. [2]


The regulatory effect on the immune system caused by the active compounds in these peels can suppress allergic reactions and reduce the strain on your body’s defenses. [3]

Cardiovascular Health

With good levels of fiber and a wealth of different nutrients, eating these peels can provide a major boost to your cardiovascular health, helping to lower blood pressure and prevent the buildup of cholesterol. [4]


When drinking orange peel extract in tea, or in a powdered form, it can soothe inflammation in the respiratory tracts. [5]


The fiber content in the peels helps to stimulate normal bowel function and prevent constipation. [6]

Immune System

With vitamin C and various antioxidants, these peels are able to bolster the defenses of the immune system and protect against a wide range of pathogens and infections responsible for cold and flu. [7]

How to Use Orange Peel?

You can use orange peel in any number of ways, some of which are mentioned below.

  • Topically applying the peel to the skin
  • Boiling the peel into different sauces and stews.
  • Drying the peel, and then grinding it into a potent, concentrated powder that can be added to foods, beverages, and even bathwater for an invigorating scrub.
  • Brewing tea from these peels, as well as chewing on them directly for your oral health.

Side Effects of Orange Peel

Consuming an excessive amount of orange peel is never a good idea and cause side effects such as:

  • A headache
  • Problems with your vision
  • Bodily weakness.